Full Moon Meditation Classes in Akola

Ms. Shalini Saha

Shalini Saha is an ICRT Professional Member who conducts in-depth sessions teaching all levels of Holy Fire®️ III Reiki®️ Courses. She has been practising Reiki for over two decades and has been teaching Reiki for 13+ years. She directly trained with Sir William Lee Rand in Michigan in 2011.

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As so rightly affirmed by Reiki Grandmaster Dishaa, a young and dynamic lady, an M.B.A turned natural healing expert from Chandigarh (India) for whom life has always been a 'Love for the Moment' which is beautiful yet compassionate...

Sshree Posittive Energy Centre - Anurag Mathhur

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Anurag Mathhur(B.A.M.S.D.N.Y.S) .. My training includes: reiki grand master, crystal master,hypnosis master, vastu consultant , past life therapist , meditation etc.My healing is effective in diseases like Asthma, Allergy, Sinusitis, Arthritis, Blood pressure, Backpain, Cervical spondylitis, cold, diabetes, Gastric Ulcer, Scleroderma, piles, Hepatitis, Migraine, as well as other modalities...

Full Moon Meditation Classes in Akola

Meditate on Full Moon Day and Let The Energy Work For You

Mediation has many benefits provided it is done with sincerity and faith. Since meditation is a personal experience, the benefits vary from person to person. Practice regularly without losing hope and do not compare your experiences with others.

The full moon is said to increase the activity of the mind, amplifying conscious thoughts as well as pulling sub-conscious ones to the surface/conscious mind. Meditating during the full moon provides an opportunity to connect deeply with our inner wisdom and with nature.

Words are powerful, and the full moon is a highly potential time for letting go of what's no longer serving you. The stronger your connection to the full moon, the more your heart chakra is cleansed and aligned. Your heart chakra is home to kindness and forgiveness.

Chakras are the unseen force that influences our reality. A blocked chakra can present itself in various forms, like physical pain and disease, and can also manifest in our financial stability, emotional body, relationships, and every other area of our life that you can imagine.

By using affirmations, one can use intention with the power of the word to change the way you live and move in the world. Thoughts create reality, so the more you use these affirmations, the more you start to believe them and the more they begin to transform into reality.

Use affirmations to balance your Chakras, and cultivate self-acceptance. As you say these affirmations, imagine the color of the chakra in its corresponding area of the body. Feel these affirmations and words in your body as you repeat them aloud.

1. Root chakra Color: Red, Location: Pelvic floor

Affirmation: "I am grounded, safe and prosperous."

2. Sacral chakra Color: Orange: Below the navel and lower abdominal area

Affirmation: "I am creative, lovLocationing, and passionate about life."

3. Solar plexus chakra Color: Yellow, Location: Solar plexus

Affirmation: "I am driven, successful and will what I want to be."

4. Heart chakra Color: Green, Location: Center of the chest

Affirmation: "I am compassionate and exude unconditional love."

5. Throat chakra Color: Blue, Location: Throat

Affirmation: "I live in truth and clearly communicate with others."

6. Third eye chakra Color: Indigo Location: The center of the forehead, between the eyebrows

Affirmation: "I always see the reality in every situation through universal consciousness."

7. Crown chakra Color: Violet, Location: Top of the head

Affirmation: "I am one with the divine."

Full moon meditation guides you through receiving healing energy as the moon's light travels through your chakras, cleansing, and healing. Also rejuvenates your Soul, mind and Body.

Write down everything you want to release from your life, and read them to release them one by one.

At a full moon circle, manifest new thoughts, intentions, and goals. Meditate and engage with full moon energy, make the energy work for you.

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