New Moon Meditation Classes in Akola

Ms. Shalini Saha

Shalini Saha is an ICRT Professional Member who conducts in-depth sessions teaching all levels of Holy Fire®️ III Reiki®️ Courses. She has been practising Reiki for over two decades and has been teaching Reiki for 13+ years. She directly trained with Sir William Lee Rand in Michigan in 2011.

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First, let me introduce myself. My name is Anurag Mathhur(B.A.M.S.D.N.Y.S) .. My training includes: reiki grand master, crystal master,hypnosis master, vastu consultant , past life therapist , meditation etc.My healing is effective in diseases like Asthma, Allergy, Sinusitis, Arthritis, Blood pressure, Backpain, Cervical spondylitis, cold, diabetes, Gastric Ulcer, Scleroderma, piles, Hepatitis, Migraine, as well as other modalities...

New Moon Meditation
New Moon Meditation Classes in Akola

New Moon Meditation

During the full lunar cycle, from new moon to full moon, the moon emits distinct energies. Each of the eight cycles aids in the creation and manifestation process. Each of the eight phases takes about 28 days to complete. Here's an example and definition:

1–3 days The energy of the new moon is for visioning.

3-6 days The energy of the crescent moon is used to organise the resources needed to achieve the vision.

6th-9th day The first quarter moon is putting the resources gathered to good use in order to carry out the vision.

10th to 13th day The gibbous moon energy aids us in fine-tuning our goals, gathering feedback from others, and revising our plans.

13th-17th day The full moon's light helps us manifest our goals or make progress toward them. We can see where we are in the plan's implementation process.

Day 17 to 21 The disseminating moon aids us in disseminating and sharing what we've learned, as well as gaining a better understanding of what we should do next.

Day 21 to 24 We are in a completion and review phase in the third quarter of the moon, which means we are following up on and refining the resources we gathered during the crescent moon. During this time, re-evaluation is carried out to determine what is required as a next step in order to achieve the goal.

24-28th day It's time to be alone, meditate, retreat, and let go of attachments under the balsamic moon.

We can focus on intentions such as personal goals for our work, family, relationships, health, finances, home, or any other aspect of our earthly existence when using the New Moon Meditation to work with these aspects. We can make a conscious effort to stay focused on our spiritual path, or we can ask for help in comprehending or transmuting our karma.

We can also concentrate on global issues such as enough organic food for the entire world, world peace, humanity living in harmony with the environment, nurturing home environments for all, healthy relationships, and a world where diversity is celebrated as a strength, among others. You'll notice that we're not talking about hunger, homelessness, or war. We're concentrating on what we're making rather than what we want to change or what we're afraid of. When you create a vision in the highest form you can imagine, but leave it up to the Divine to manifest in the most perfect way.

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