Divine Light Healing & Training Centre

Certified Angel Healer Asha A Doshi - Basavanagudi

Divine Light Healing & Training Centre - Ms. Asha A Doshi

Divine Light Healing & Training Centre (established in 2011), offers regular workshops and Teacher Training Programs in

• Reiki level 1, 2, 3, Reiki Master & Grandmaster

• Crystal healing, Crystal Master & Grandmaster

• Angel healing & Card reading, Basic and advanced workshops on Angels, Pathways to Ascension, Conscious Creation, Transform Your Life, Lemurian Planetary Healing, Connect and Communicate with Angels, Attuning with new higher tools of Ascension, etc

• Teacher Training programs of Diana Cooper School of White Light in various subjects like Angels, Ascension, Transform Your Life, Towards 2032(welcoming New Golden Age), Lemurian Planetary Healing

• Gifting of Nine Rites Of Munay-Ki, Munay-Ki Teacher Training

Asha A Doshi is the founder and sole creator of a platform "Divine Light Healing & Training Centre" for all the light workers to come together and explore spirituality. Born with intuitive gifts of healing and teaching, she has been spending her life learning, practicing, teaching, and integrating diverse arts of making life a beautiful journey

Exploring the areas of yoga, health and beauty she began her journey with light and spiritual healing by qualifying herself in many modalities like Reiki, Crystal, Angels, Ascension, etc.

Asha is currently practicing in Basavanagudi, where she offers workshops and courses and individual healing sessions bestowing a centre on self-exploration, actualization and integration into what has meaning and purpose in one's life.

She offers healing sessions for

• Shamanic healing

• Distance Healing,

• Psychic Cord Cutting using Reiki, Angels, or Hypnotherapy,

• Angel Card Reading,

• Past life regression therapy,

• Inner child therapy,

• Age regression,

• Age regression,

• Life between lives,

• Spirit Releasing

• Life Plan

• Rythematic Relaxation Therapy,

• Subconscious Mind Talk, and Higher Self Therapy.

• Access Bars

• Access Body Process

• Meditation

• Aromatherapy

• Numerology

• And many more similar healing therapies

Pls click on the link for details : : AngelCourse

For more details on Courses pl Call/ WhatsApp:+91 9819473037

E mail : divinelighthealers@gmail.com

For more information visit our website : www.divinelighthealers.in

Diana Cooper School Of White Light Online Teacher Training Programs

Diana Cooper School of White Light Certified  Online Teacher Training Programs by Asha A Doshi - Basavanagudi

Munay-Ki Teacher Training by Ms. Asha A Doshi

Munay-Ki Rites Teacher Training by Ms. Asha A Doshi - Basavanagudi

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about this time as a period of great transformation, a time to make an extraordinary difference in the world. They foretell of a new human appearing on the planet – a person of wisdom and power who lives free of fear and abides in their eternal nature, accepting stewardship for all creation.

The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation. The rites are common to all shamanic traditions, even though they are expressed in different forms and styles in various cultures. They derive from the great initiations from the Himalayas that were brought to the Americas by the first medicine men and women – the Earthkeepers of old.

The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past – the karmic and genetic programs or beliefs you inherited. They re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

You will receive and learn to gift the following rites:

• Healer’s Rite

• The Bands of Power;

• Harmony Rite;

• Seer’s Rite;

• Daykeeper’s Rite;

• Wisdomkeeper’s Rite;

• Earthkeeper's Rite;

• Starkeeper’s Rite and

• The Creator Rite.

As you work with the germination of these rites and accept stewardship for all creation, you’ll be touched and blessed by angels. Open yourself to the wisdom of the Earthkeepers, and all will be bestowed upon you.

To book a class call +91 98194 73037

E mail : divinelighthealers@gmail.com

For more information visit our website : www.divinelighthealers.in

Ascension Teacher Training

Ascension Teacher Training - The Diana Cooper School of White Light -  by Asha A Doshi - Basavanagudi

Transform Your Life Teacher Training

Transform Your Life Teacher Training - The Diana Cooper School of White Light - by Asha A Doshi - Basavanagudi Asha A Doshi - Certified Transform Your Life Master Teacher - Diana Cooper School Of White Light (DCSWL)- Basavanagudi

Alter Your Thoughts - Transform Your Life

Create Your Life with Total Consciousness and Awareness.

  • Remove the blockage which is stopping you to move forward towards your goal.
  • Gain clarity on a reoccurring memory
  • Redefine your thought Patterns to POSITIVE.
  • Understand your inner child and resolve its issues.
  • Eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Control over behavior, emotions
  • Heal at the source of emotional or physical concerns
  • Make a profound positive change; achieve what you want in LIFE

To book an appointment call +91 98194 73037

E mail : divinelighthealers@gmail.com

For more information visit our website : www.divinelighthealers.in

Angel Healing For Invoking Money Manifest Abundance

Angel Healing to Invoke Money Manifest Abundance -  by Asha A Doshi - Basavanagudi

Divine Angels will help you in all possible ways and open your path to the abundance that you need for healing your financial situation, all you need is to surrender your worries regarding money to Angels

To book an appointment call +91 98194 73037

E mail : divinelighthealers@gmail.com

For more information visit our website : www.divinelighthealers.in

Angel Healing for Re-connect & Balance Relationships

Angel Healing for Re-connect & Balance Relationships - by Asha A Doshi - Basavanagudi

Angel healing can help improve communication and understanding in relationships, as well as promote forgiveness and compassion. Also, if you are seeking a solution for a crisis situation and a purpose in life. Experience transformation, understanding, and harmony in your relationships through our Specialized Angel Healing Sessions.

To book an appointment call +91 98194 73037

E mail : divinelighthealers@gmail.com

For more information visit our website : www.divinelighthealers.in

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