Hello, gifted one, you are a unique gift to this world and I am sure you have realized it by now. I am not sure where to start so I will share my story with you and hope to hear yours soon.
Hi, My name is Priya Alti and my journey was not different than what is yours today, similar stories, but the characters were different.
I was bugged by a question, what is my purpose here? Is this life? What is beyond this? I was questioning everything in life. My parents were proud to see me as an IIT graduate, earning big fat money in corporates. I wasn't! Since childhood I always had a different perception about the world, I used to wonder, Is this what it is? Is there more to it? Can this change? Can this be different? Compromise, adjustment, fitting in, regular, and normal didn't appeal to me. I hated it when I saw the world getting trapped in those.
Finally, I left my 13-year-old career in pursuit of something different. I didn’t know what was ahead of me and what I may come across.
The journey was full of possibilities and hopes. I traveled the world and traveled inward and deeper. All the learning and unlearning happened and I saw the light. Clarity came in and depth deepened. Finally, I had a sense of peace and clarity.
Today I am truly happy and my life is something that I never imagined I would have.
In my sessions and workshops, I aim to contribute what you wish to have. I hope to see you in person and I wonder what is possible for you now.
I am a therapist and an Access Certified Facilitator. I practice tools and do certified classes to teach these tools that are extremely simple, and pragmatic and create results that stay.
Access Bars: Declutter, clear, and open new possibilities with Access Bars. BARS clears blockages that do not allow you to grow in different ways. These are tools everybody should learn. It will be there for the rest of your life.
Access Foundation: 3.5 days to fast-track transformation happens in a Foundation class. In this class, you may learn Advanced tools from Access too. Journey to the next level of consciousness.
Access Body processes: Access body processes have the capacity to undo any way the body is malfunctioning and transform aspects of the body that you have not been able to change for ages.
Access Facelift: Natural way to undo aging in the body. Anti-aging for the whole body. Look and get younger.
Akashic Records Beginner's class: Learn to read the energetic log called Akashic Records for guidance and insights. To read the past life, and ancestral patterns and heal the inner child. You may read the records for future predictions too.
Happy mouth energetic regenerative dentistry: Heal your mouth and dental issues naturally. This happens when we reactivate the dormant systems of the body. These dormant systems are responsible for all the self-repair, re-growth, and self-healing.
Shadow workshop: Unless we face the darker side in us, we can't become light. Shadow workshop is an intense workshop for those who wish to be light.
How to become a money workbook: No one is free from money issues, not even the richest ones. How to get a free flow of money? How to be abundant? How to be money worry-free? Pragmatic approaches and transformation happen in this workshop.
Divorceless Relationship: Lean tools and techniques to have an awesome relationship.
Mindfulness Meditation: Online-live guided meditation sessions for internal cleansing and accessing the higher dimension of you.
Tarot Beginner's class: Online workshop
Face yoga: Online workshop
Many more:
You may book sessions for anything with me. Here are the top few categories that are available. Most sessions are available online too.
People who choose to do classes and empower themselves have seen phenomenal improvement in their life. e.g
By education I am an Engineer, graduated from IIT Delhi. In Basavanagudi, I had a fairly successful career in the silicon development field. At Sasken Basavanagudi and Quicklogic. Quit all of it in 2011. Initially I tried my hand in education start ups. That was great fun and very rewarding however something was still calling me and I felt a very strong pull for light work. Here i am at doing exactly what I love to do and meant to do. Love and light . Priya Alti
Joy clinic | 541/2, 2nd floor, 4th cross, 7th main, Hal 2nd stage, Indiranagar., Basavanagudi 560038
Youtube : https://youtu.be/oP9ta8bjjgo
Call:+91 99005 81075Email : priyaalti@gmail.com
Please visit : www.altipriya.com
About Me : https://youtu.be/oP9ta8bjjgo
Instagram : priyaalti
Youtube : altipriya