Sampoorn Health Care is one of the most prominent Ayurvedic Health centre located in Sanjay Nagar Basavanagudi. They offer traditional Ayurveda Treatments, Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation, Rejuvenation Therapies etc.. Having over 23 years of rich experience in ayurvedic research. Sampoorn Health Care, strive towards the ayurveda, yoga therapy, & pranic healing for achieving Perfect Health.
Dr.Annapoorna Bhat founder of Sampoorn Health Care graduated from S.D. M. College - Udupi in 1990 securing 2nd rank, and completed post graduation at ayurvedic degree college, Bengaluru. as a student she was very active and took part in many extracurricular activities. As aa ayurvedic consultant she has successfully treated a large number of cases.
Apart from ayurveda, she is also an yoga therapist who treated many cases through yoga therapy, Pranayama and Meditation and Relaxation. She is also well versed in pranic healing, crystal healing and pranic psychotherapy.
Dr.Annapoorna is an authorised ayurvedic consultant for ISRO - INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION , Basavanagudi since 15 years AND IISc- INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE-Basavanagudi since 10years. She is also a visiting professor at SRIRAGHAVANDRA AYURVEDA MEDICAL COLLEGE , CHITRADURGA
She can be contacted @ Ph:080-23419673, Mob: +91 98863 99730
Dr. Annapoorna S. Bhat - B.A.M.S, M.D., MSCP, D.Y.T.,
NO.2, 2nd Main,
A.E.C.S. Layout,
3rd Stage
Sanjay Nagar ,
please visit :
"aamathyaa madhu sarpibhyam lehayet kanakam shishuhu suwarnaprashanam hyetanmedagni balavardhanamayushyam mangalam punyam vrushyam varnyam grahapaham maasat parama medhavi vyadhibhir na cha ghrushyate shadbhir maasaihi shrutadharah suvarnaprashanad bhavet".--ka. su. 18/ 4-5
It is one of the Samskaaras among 16 Samskaaras described in Ayurveda.
The process in which SUVARNA (GOLD)is given with some specific herbs in the form of liquid, semi solid or paste to children is called as SUVARNA PRASHANA.
Ayurveda, the science of life gifted us Swarnaprashana samskaara to improve immunity of Child. 'Suvarna' means 'Gold' and 'Prashana' means 'to lick'.
Time to give Suvarna Prashana: Every day Morning or At least on the day of Pushya Nakshatra. Age of Children who can take Suvarna Prashana: Starting from new born till the age of 16 years.
Ingredients of Suvarna Prashana: Suvarna bindu prashana contains three ingredients.
A) Suddha medhya aushadhi siddha ghruta -- Medhya herbs like Vacha, Shankh Pushpi, Brahmi, Ashwagandha etc
B) Shuddha suvarna bhasma.
C) Shuddha madhu
Why pushya nakshtra? ---Pushya constellation is said to have Pushti (Strengthening), and Poshana (Nourishing) qualities. Hence this constellation is chosen to administer this Suvarna prashan.
Maharshi Kashyapa: An Ancient Sage and an exponent of Paediatrics has described the benefits of Suvarnaprashan in his elaborate treatise by name 'Kashyapa Samhita' as:
For details call : 080- 2341 9673, +91 98863 99730