Dr Aruna Saxena is a certified Trainer, a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (ABNLP), Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Access Bars Facilitator and ESSE Practitioner. Dr Aruna is regularly conducting NLP & Hypnosis based programs viz. NLP for Business, NLP for Parenting, NLP for Teachers, NLP for Teenagers, NLP for Therapists, NLP for Personality Development, etc.
She is an Access Bars Facilitator, a Body Process Facilitator & Practitioner and have a passion of creating magic in the field of Access Consciousness. She facilitates Access Bars Classes, Body Processes Sessions/Classes and other numerous programs based on Access (holistic approach) across the country. She has assisted hundreds of people to change countless aspects of their life and body including personal self-image, weight, stresses, anxiety disorders, health, sleep, money and relationships. Access body processes unlock the tension, resistance, and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically. She is expert in over 60 hands on Access Body Processes, as well as lots of verbal processes, one can deal with most issues that exist in bodies today. Dr Aruna says that Access body processes are a holistic techniques that compliment any other body work or healing modality.
Dr Aruna is a Transformation Coach which is professional coaching that focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change. Coaching helps individuals and companies focus on what matters most in life and business, and so the industry continues to grow. Coaching sessions are very powerful and is covered under the authentic guidelines.
Dr Aruna Saxena is a Homoeopath, a cancer specialist and practicing Homoeopathy more than a decade. She has studied homoeopathy intensively for over one and a half decade. Dr Aruna has an uncommon strength of having a research base in her clinical environment and represents a modern and scientific face of homeopathy. Her enormous practice supported by clinical exploration based data, statistics, and scientific documentation, makes it her unique in the homoeopathic world.
She is also trained in varied psychological and psychoanalytic subjects viz. Transactional Analysis (TA), Emotional Intelligence (EI), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Multiple Intelligence Theory (MIT).
Contact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : drarunasaxena05@gmail.com
Please visit : www.agasteya.inJoin this 2-day Women Empowerment Practitioner Program only For WOMEN who are ready to explore their Power that lies within them.
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Contact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : methepowerwithin@gmail.com
Please visit : www.methepowerwithin.comContact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : drarunasaxena05@gmail.com
Please visit : www.agasteya.inContact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : drarunasaxena05@gmail.com
Please visit : www.agasteya.inContact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : drarunasaxena05@gmail.com
Please visit : www.agasteya.inContact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : drarunasaxena05@gmail.com
Please visit : www.agasteya.inContact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : drarunasaxena05@gmail.com
Please visit : www.agasteya.inContact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : drarunasaxena05@gmail.com
Please visit : www.agasteya.inContact @ +91 9451248273
E mail : drarunasaxena05@gmail.com
Please visit : www.agasteya.in