Divorce Counselling in Gadag

Ms. Priya Alti

If you are going through something or not going, doesn't matter, choose 'CONSCIOUSNESS'. If you have pain, dis-ease, stress, money issues, blocks at work, relationships strains, and anything and everything that is holding you from thriving in life.

Sweta R Pandey

Sweta Pandey is a counselling psychologist and regression therapist who focuses on addressing psychological, emotional, behavioural, and relational issues. She has experience treating psychological and mental issues in children, adults, and elderly people....


Divorce Counselling in Gadag

Whatever the reason, the end of a long-term, committed relationship will disrupt your life and cause profound emotions such as sadness, stress, and grief.

Pre-Divorce Counseling

Pre-divorce counselling can also assist you in identifying and addressing any conflicting or perplexing divorce-related emotions. Finally, this type of counselling can teach you healthy coping strategies that you can use during difficult and stressful situations.

Post-Divorce Counseling

Post-divorce counselling can help you deal with the fallout from your divorce. Divorce counsellors, in particular, use a variety of techniques to help you improve your self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as accept reality, so you can reclaim your life.

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