My name is Priya Alti and I am inviting you to look at your life again and ask, ‘what is my true purpose here?’
I asked this question myself and questioned everything that I was doing with my life. My parents were proud to see me as an IIT graduate, earning big fat money in corporates. I wasn't ! Since childhood I always had a different perception about the world, I use to wonder, Is this what it is? Is there more to it? Can this change? Can this be different? Compromise, adjustment, fitting in, regular and normal didn't appeal to me. I hated when I saw the world getting trapped in those.
Finally I left my 13 year old career in pursuit of something different. I didn’t know what was ahead of me and what I may come across. Journey was full of possibilities and hopes. I travelled the world, travelled inward and deeper, and learned a lot. All this created a huge shift in my life and me. Now I am truly happy and my life is something that I never imagined I would have.
In my sessions and workshops I aim to change at least no less than a zillion aspects for participants. I feel happy to see people coming out of their boxes and being truly happy and being what they truly are.
I am a therapist and an Access Certified Facilitator. I practice tools and do certified classes to teach these tools that are extremely simple, pragmatic and create results that stay.
Access Bars: Learn unique tools and techniques that are used worldwide to transform lives.
Access Foundation: 4 days to fast track transformation happens in a Foundation class. In this class you may learn Advanced tools from Access too.
Access Body processes: Access body processes have capacity to undo any which way the body is malfunctioning and transform aspects of the body that you have not been able to change for ages.
Access Facelift: Natural way to undo aging in the body. Look young and get a natural shine on your skin and hair
How to become a money workbook: No one is free from money issues,not even the richest ones. How to get free flow of money? How to be abundant? How to be money worry free? Pragmatic approaches and transformation happen in this workshop.
Divorceless Relationship: Lean tools and techniques to have an awesome relationship.
Mindfulness Meditation: Online-live guided meditation sessions for internal cleansing and accessing the higher dimension of you.
Many more:
You may book sessions for anything with me. Here are the top few categories that are available. Most sessions are available online too.
People who choose to do classes and empower themselves have seen phenomenal improvement in their life. e.g
By education I am an Engineer, graduated from IIT Hubli, had a fairly successful career in the silicon development field. At Sasken Hubli and Quicklogic. Quit all of it in 2011. Post that I had a couple of start up experiences and then I finally decided creating more happy and successful lives is my thing. Here I am doing exactly that.
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