As so rightly affirmed by Reiki Grandmaster Dishaa, a young and dynamic lady, an M.B.A turned natural healing expert from Chandigarh (India) for whom life has always been a 'Love for the Moment' which is beautiful yet compassionate...
I have grown up with strong awareness of and connection with the source and could sense the energies since I was a child. Iam a Life coach, Intuitive energy therapist & healer. Practicing Access Bars, GFT Technique, Trauma Healing, Mony and abunsance sessions...
Young people today are struggling to cope with this often turbulent phase of their lives without the necessary guidance, support and encouragement of trusted and genuine professionals. Young people are not only are dealing with immense societal pressures but also peer pressure, pressure to be liked and succeeding at everything they do. They are also struggling to identify their core values and beliefs, manage bullying and cyberbullying, body image and self love, goal-setting, direction and motivation, poor self-esteem and an inability to see their strengths, academic performance, influence of drugs and alcohol, safe sex choices, time and money management, desire to please others, personal responsibility and accountability for choices and consequences, developing career possibilities post school, employment, interpersonal relationships and interpersonal conflict, isolation, risk taking behaviour such as driving a vehicle, fear of failure, assertiveness, mental illness(s), physical disabilities and suicide. This is just to name some of the many areas of concern and challenges that youth have to manage on a daily basis. There clearly is a fundamental need for Life Coaching and Mentoring for young people and it will be a investment for your child.
Life Coaching for young people is a structured process whereby a qualified Life Coach uses skilled and effective questioning and listening techniques to form a safe and trusted professional relationship. The process enables a young person (approx. 12 to 25 years) to direct the focus of coaching through forming meaningful personal goals, identifying their own strategies for moving forward and achieving their goals. No advice is given. Through Coaching a young person will feel a sense of motivational empowerment for being 100% accountable and responsible for outcomes. The focus is on the present and not on the past.