Monica Gulati

Group Therapy in Kanpur

Monica Gulati - Empowering Coach & Energy Healer

Monica Gulati is a facilitator for Access Consciousness, specializing in Access Bars and Access Energetic Facelift. Additionally, she has expertise in several other areas, including Body Process, Light Key Healing, Reiki, Jikidien Reiki, Tarot Card Reading, and Angel Card Reading. She provides private consultations that involve combining various types of energetic healing both in person and remotely.

For the past 14 years, she has been practicing Reiki for personal use as well as for her family and friends. In addition, she has been working as an Empowering Coach professionally for the past 5 years

Her services include:

One on One session:Offers personal sessions that utilize various modalities, including in-person Access Bars sessions, Symphony of Possibilities sessions (which can be done remotely or in-person), and Light Key Healing Frequencies (also available both in-person and remotely).

During these sessions, her focus is on contributing individuals release any limiting points of view they may have because she strongly believes that our point of view creates our reality.


1. Access Bars Class

2. Access Energetic Facelift Workshop

3. Angel Connection and Healing Workshop

Her goal is to empower you to release your inner limitations, which can impact various aspects of your life such as money, relationships, body image, and more. The philosophy behind her approach strongly emphasizes that by healing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, you can break through your internal limitations and experience positive changes in your life. This can open up different pathways that may have been blocked previously.

Contact @: +91 98912 43243



Access Bars Class

Access Bars Class by Monica Gulati in Kanpur

Access Bars Class

Access Bars are 32 invisible energetic Bars on the head connected by various points. These points hold the electromagnetic charge of our limiting beliefs, thoughts, feelings and emotions. There are points for Money, control, creativity, sexuality, body, healing, awareness, peace, calm, gratitude and so on.

When these points on the head are gently touched with your fingertips, the electromagnetic charge of the limiting beliefs gets dissipated. For eg. You have a limiting self-image or a body image which stops you from getting into relationships, after a bars session these beliefs could get deleted allowing new opportunities and relationships to show up in your life.

During the session the limitations that are creating any particular challenge in your life are released which allows new doors of possibilities to opens up in your life.

✓ Children feel considerably more at ease and confident than before.

✓ People feel relieved of the pressure in their head, something they explain as 'the feeling of letting go off of a tight rubber band tied around their hair.'

✓ Teenage tantrums and episodes coming down in frequency

✓ New relationships showing up

✓ Lesser inhibitions

✓ Unravelling of hidden talents and creativity

✓ More awareness and connection with your body

✓ Better health. Greater immunity. Headaches and certain other conditions disappearing completely in just one session.

Access Energrtic Face-lift Class

Access Energrtic Face-lift by Monica Gulati in Kanpur

Access Energrtic Face-lift

The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate and reverse the signs of ageing on the face and throughout the entire body.

The Access Energetic Facelift gives the body a chance to move and transform a lot of the limiting energies and judgments that get locked in our face, head, chest, and body.

✓ Light and luminosity of the face.

✓ Reduces fine lines, wrinkles and and swelling.

✓ Much more relaxed in appearance and demeanour.

✓ Clarity of the eyes.

✓ Glow in the hair.

✓ Improved energy.

✓ Increased relaxation.

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