Ms. Geetha Sellamuthu - Sanghamitra Centre for Wellbeing

Sanghamitra Centre for Well Being was founded in 2000 to Educate, Enrich, Evolve and Empower you on your Self Exploratory journey in a safe, caring and compassionate environment in order that you may experience wellness, peace, healing, energy, and success in all levels of your life.

A great variety of courses pertaining to the Soul, Mind, and Body are taught at Sanghamitra both by myself and experts in the relevant field.

Ms. Nidhi Gupta

Nidhi Gupta is a management graduate working with her family business . With two years of experience, she has many satisfied clients across the globe. Her major focus areas is Relationship and Abundance. She has conducted many successful workshops on Heal your life and Law of Attraction.

Livin Harmony

Licensed Heal Your Life Workshop Leader, Teen Empowerment Facilitator and Life Coach, an Angel Therapist, Angel Life Coach and a advanced Numerologist.


Heal Your Life in Ontario

Love Yourself ~ Heal Your Life Workshops

Heal Your Life transformational workshops are based on the principles from the bestselling book,

You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay and have been attended by many thousands of people worldwide.

The basic Heal Your Life philosophy is:

What we think about ourselves and life becomes true for us.

Every thought we think is creating our future.

We are each responsible for our experiences.

We can change our thoughts.

Self-approval and self-acceptance in the 'now' are the keys to positive change.

We can release the past and forgive everyone

We can return our health to a natural state of well-being

When we learn to step outside of our lives for moment, and realize that our greatest challenge has always been our need to be accepted, to avoid being rejected.

We have given our power away by blaming the past, other people and circumstances.

When we can step out of the trance of "I am not good enough" or "I am a victim of", we can then re-create a life of peace, harmony, balance and hope in our lives.

The process of becoming whole again begins with taking that first step towards dissolving the barriers, limiting beliefs and past conditioning that keep you in a cycle of pain, identifying the areas that need your attention, clearing out emotional clutter connected with those areas.

You need a genuine desire to make those things happen, a system by which to achieve it and the support/guidance to learn that self-healing and life progress lay in your own hands.

You can be gently and skillfully guided towards this realization of your personal power; inner wisdom and strengths.

Learning the tools and practices that can place you in charge of your own life, to have at your every step resources to help yourself to cope, deal and transcend life's challenges and lessons sufficiently.

Heal Your Life Workshops - Ontario

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