Director at Institute of Holistic Sciences and a distinguished therapist based out of Salem, India. She has a B.Sc. in Physics and a M.A in Psychology PhD in Psychotherapy and Counselling from the University of Northeast Virginia.
She integrates her intellectual understanding and her spiritual awareness to identity the blocks that prevents one from living a fulfilling and abundant life. She firmly believes that each person has a free will and hence a complete control over one’s own destiny.
As a healer and a spiritual facilitator she empowers people to holistically take charge of their life not only by facilitating them through healing but also by teaching them therapies that complement their natural flow of energies.
She pens her thoughts for major publication houses like Mid-Day and HT café.
Dr Geetanjali has spoken at corporate and government organisations, educational institutes and at NGOs. Her sessions are customised for the particular audiences.
Dr Geetanjali has helped several individuals including celebrities and sports personalities overcome challenging situations in their personal life such as troubled marriages, toxic relationships, and loss of a loved one. She has helped people transform their lives and start a fresh and excel at it.
Dr Geetanjali gets to the root cause of whatever your problem is in any aspect of your life. She makes structured adjustments in the Unconscious thinking patterns to produce breakthrough results for you.
Her mission in life is to make holistic health care available to all and help them experience the bliss of absolute mind, body and soul alignment. Through her 15 years of colossal experience in the field of Alternative Sciences she offers various services and trainings through her workshops at the Institute of Holistic Sciences, India and now she is widening her reach internationally as well. Dr Geetanjali is a hypnotherapy trainer with California Hypnotist Institute - CHI USA
Dr Geetanjali is also an EARTh certified professional and a Trainer for Inner Child Integration from Trisha Cateno EARTh. She is Supervisor with Tasso International (Netherlands)
For More Info call : Dr.Geetanjali +91 93221 27722 & 98674 62877
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