Aura Scanning in Santacruz

Mr. Manav Sachdeva

Manav Sachdeva is a lifelong learner and student, trained under the best teachers to develop and enrich the knowledge he brings to his customers and students. Manav has been practicing energy medicine for twenty years and is known for having a keen sense of intuition. Manav is an expert in the potent, age-old Surya Vigyan energy healing system and aura reading.

Ms. Sanchaitaa Panda

Sanchaitaa is a Master Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Reiki Master and Law of Attraction Coach. She has been in the field of meditation for last 10 years,

Cosmicx Healing Art - Ms. KripaJyoti Nisha Singla

KripaJyoti Nisha Singla (PGDBM) is a Spiritual master, Energy worker, Reiki Master, Theta Instructor, and a dedicated Artist who has been working in the field of healings, spirituality, counselling, relationship healing, family therapy and alternative medicine therapies from more than 12 years.

Dr. H.P. Anujj Elviis

Magik is the Divine working through you to bring about change in the world says Anujj Elviis. He has explored his own ways, methods and techniques towards the path of self realization. He is Spiritualist, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Medium and a Healer.


Aura Scanning in Santacruz

Energy is the basic entity of every living or non-living object, and other planets in the universe also carry energy is also called as aura energy. This energy field has seven different types of energy layers, has its own unique vibrations that have an imprint of the emotions and desires.

These energy layers are directly affecting or relating to the emotional, mental, karmic, spiritual, financial and divine health of an individual. The aura scanner can give a detailed energy calculation of the quality of your body and life.

The aura scanner understands matter and energy in terms of aura and its applications are possible in every field of science. It can identify and measure the subtle energies which are emitted from matter.

Know about the blockage through Aura Scan - Santacruz

You can expect detailed aura scanning report of the following:

    • Basic personality features.
    • Success in power & money.
    • Energy and powers in your body.
    • Emotional and Karmic disturbances.
    • Types of blockages in your life.

    Five Elements:

      • Prithvi: Earth
      • Jal: Water
      • Agni: Fire
      • Vayu: Air
      • Ether: Akash

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