Mr. Mishra is an active & renowned Acupressurist with 16 yrs experience in various types of acute & chronic diseases. He is especially known for his success in dealing with complex and challenging cases.
He is assisted by his wife Nanda Mishra to undertake the treatment of lady patients.
Acupressure Nature Clinic founded by Mr. K Mahesh is a premier place for treatment of patients with L4 L5 Disk Compression Treatment (Back pain), Cervical & Lumbar Spondylosis, Sciatica, Asthma, Arthritis, Parkinson's, Rheumatism, Bedwetting in children, Sinusitis.
A Unit of Holistic Medicine Research Foundation - Asia's first and foremost ISO 9001:2008 certified pioneer research centre on Holistic Medicines - Prof. Dr. Deepak Rout (Gold Medalist)...
Immunotherapy is an advancement natural in the field of Immune treatment which boost the body's immune system and penetrate ozone o3 molecule through body pores to fight against the Immune Diseases causing cells, at SGS Bio Health Center...
Archana Kabilan, a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP) (UK), offers a blend of Bach Flower services in support of stress management by reducing stress and promoting relaxation to enhance wellness.
Wellness and well-being principles revolve around maintaining the balance between the mind, body and soul. Healy is the only device on the planet earth for balancing between Body, Mind and Soul.
It is a well known fact that most weight loss plans end in disaster. As a matter of fact, it is commonly thought that quitting eating unhealthy food is even more difficult than quitting smoking or other addictive drugs. When you quit smoking, all you have to do is give up one product. When you develop a healthy diet, you have to change everything about the way you eat.
This is why so many people like to look at weight loss testimonials for ideas and inspirations. There are dozens upon dozens of weight loss supplements, diets, pills, and other cures out there, so it can be a daunting task to figure out which one is the right one for you. Although most people recommend a combination of eating a healthy diet in accordance with the food pyramid, working out several times a week, and taking the right weight loss supplements, this still leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Which supplements are the best ones? What is the healthiest diet? Exactly how much do I have to exercise? Weight loss testimonials can help you to answer these and similar questions.
Some of the best weight loss testimonials are the ones that come from the people you know. Although you can read online weight loss testimonials, it can be hard to tell whether or not they are accurate. If you have a friend who has lost a lot of weight, however, you can ask him or her to find out just how it was done. Your friend may have gone through many different weight loss diets, supplements, and exercise programs, so he or she may be in a great position to tell you what to do and what to not waste your time with.
Another great way to achieve weight loss success is to go to a dietitian. Dietitians tend to collect weight loss testimonials from their clients. They will know what works for what type of person, and what doesn't. The perfect weight loss plan for a stay at home mom is not necessarily the best plan for a professional. The mark of a true nutritionist is the ability to set up something especially targeted towards giving you the best results possible. It is a much easier solution than having to go through each and every weight loss testimonial individually! After all, why not have the expert do the work for you?