Blue Print Numerology in Akola

Ms. Radhika Chopra

Radhika Chopra - Tarot reading, Graphology, Pythagoras system of numerology, Releasing of toxic emotions and events from energy field, Metaphor therapy, Access bars, Access body processes and Energy transformation of bodies, health, and spaces, Facilitator conducting Bars, Body process, Energetic facelift classes and Right Voice for You Taster.

Blueprint Numerology
Blue Print Numerology - Akola

Blueprint numerology is a unique system. It covers holistic aspect of life and living. Life as we are experiencing it and our souls journey. Blueprint numerology that works on the Pythagorian system believes that "everything is actually a frequency and with everything there is a spectrum of possibility". This refreshing perspective is free of superstitious beliefs, fears and dogma.

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