Holistic health Care - Dr Deepak Rout

Dr. Deepak Rout - Akola Holistic Healing Courses by Dr. Deepak Rout - Akola Clinical Acupuncture Training by Dr. Deepak Rout - Akola

Holistic health Care - Prakruti Swasthya Kendra

(A Unit of Holistic Medicine Research Foundation)

Asia's first and foremost ISO 9001:2008 certified pioneer research centre on Holistic Medicines

Profile - Prof. Dr. Deepak Rout (Gold Medalist)

D-Pharm, Bsc, BYNS, MD (ACU), PhD (ACU), Srilanka

PGD (Acu) FM Univerity, ND

PGD (Advanced Clinical Research), ICRI, Hyderabad

Certificate in FDA approval process, FDA smart Inc., USA

Certificate on ICR-UK examination, Institute of Clinical Research, UK

Reiki Master, Kauna Reiki Healer

14 years experience in Health care and rich experience in Bio-Energy research, training, treatment and education.


In cultivating and thus carrying forward the philosophy of Health as omnia in excellentia, Holistic Health Care nourishes health care as a holistic science in manifesto.

Health: WHO interprets Health as Wellness in terms of bio-psycho-socio well being.

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social well being not merely free from disease or insanity". - W.H.O.

W.H.O. declares on 2015 INDIA will be

A) Capital of Diabetes

B) Heart Disease

C) Cancer

D) Arthritis

E) Lung Disease

F) Skin Diseases

G) Obesity

Solution is Supplementation of Proteins, Vitamins & Minerals by Natural means.

Holistic Health Care is ipso facto interpreted in therapeutic practice as "Prakruti Swasthya Kendra".

Why Health: Health remains the most precious and inevitable caring subject for a person. Thus we say "Health beyond Heal". But when you say a person who has lost his health.

What is Holistic Health?

Holistic health is a concept in medical practice upholding that all aspects of people's needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole. As defined above, the holistic view on treatment is widely accepted in medicine. A different definition, claiming that disease is a result of physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental imbalance, is used in Alternative Medicine. Holistic health focuses on all facets of human functioning, which involves our taking responsibility for maintaining all aspect of our well-being.

Some distinguishing holistic therapies focus either on the body, the mind, or the spirit.

Two popular types of each Holistic Therapy such as:

1. Body Holistic Therapies

2. Mind Holistic Therapies

Body Holistic Therapies:

These treatments are examples of holistic health for the body. They may also help the mind and the spirit, as the body is seen to

  • Acupuncture: originating in China, acupuncture involves inserting the tips of needles into specific points of the skin. It is used to treat a variety of disorders through the stimulation of nerve impulses.
  • Chiropractors: chiropractors treat health problems dealing with the body's muscles, nerves, or skeleton (usually the spine). They usually adjust the spine, correcting misalignments that may affect the brain and nervous system.

Mind Holistic Therapies

This type of holistic therapy affects behavior, emotions, and other issues of the mind

  • Psychotherapy - psychotherapy is the biggest application of mental holistic health therapy. It involves developing an interpersonal relationship with a psychotherapist and usually involves the sharing of experiences and feelings for the benefit of mental health.
  • Meditation - meditation is a deep focus or reflection that can relax the body while the mind enjoys the most simple form of awareness, opening the door for mental or spiritual clarity.

Multi-Therapeutic Services

  • Pain and Palliative Care
  • Weight Management Program
  • Holistic Nutrition Program
  • Body Detoxification Therapy
  • Infertility Support
  • Cosmetic Therapy
  • Geriatric Care
  • Women's Care Program
  • Holistic-Diagnostics System
  • Immune Modulation Therapy
  • Hormone Regulation Therapy

India's Best Pain Care Research Centre

Improve Quality Of Life with Pain Management


  • Low Back Pain
  • Sciatica or Radiating pain in limbs
  • Cancer Pain
  • Neck (Cervical Spondylosis) and Shoulder Pain
  • Headache- Migraine
  • Pain of Tennis Elbow and Heel
  • Pain due to less blood supply in lower or upper limbs
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Pelvic and Urogenital Pain
  • Muscular Pain or Muscle Pain due to sprain
  • Wrist pain (Carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Lower Abdomen Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Menstrual cramps pain


  • No surgery, Non-invasive, Safe and no side-effects.
  • Patient mobility increases and pain decreases significantly after treatment.
  • Natural growth of Cartilage, Ligament & Tendon and thereby eliminating the root cause.
  • Treatment increases bone density.
  • No pain or bleeding to patient during treatment
  • Diet chart for everyone
  • Patient education to promote self-care management

Education & Training

  • Diploma / Bachelor / M.D. / Ph.D. in Acupuncture
  • Basic Acupuncture certification (FREE education to all)
  • Academic semester projects / Dissertation / internships on Acupuncture / Live Projects on Acupuncture and clinical training certification
  • Fellowship Research in Clinical Acupuncture (FRCA)
  • Fellowship in Micro-Acupuncture System (FMAS)
  • Certificate on Cosmetic Acupuncture (CCA)
  • Certificate on Advanced Cosmetic Acupuncture (ACA)
  • Advanced certificate in Medical Acupuncture (ACMA)
  • Diploma in Naturopathy (ND)
  • Certificate training on Body-Detoxification therapy
  • Certificate training on Massage therapy
  • Certificate training on Health & Nutritional management
  • Advanced certificate in Diabetes management
  • Certificate training on EMS / Whole Body Scanning
  • Certificate training on Reflexology
  • Reiki training certification





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Email : traditionalmedicinecongress@gmail.com

Please visit : www.worldtraditionalmedicine.com

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