Gestalt Therapy in Akola

Sweta R Pandey

Sweta Pandey is a counselling psychologist and regression therapist who focuses on addressing psychological, emotional, behavioural, and relational issues. She has experience treating psychological and mental issues in children, adults, and elderly people....

Dr. Karuna Kapil

Dr. Karuna Kapil is a dentist turned change facilitator. She is trained in Crystals, Tarot, Angel Healing, Reiki, Numerology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Breakthrough Coaching, Access Bars®, Access Body Processes...

Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy in Akola

Gestalt therapy a form of psychotherapy used to overcome unresolved pain, anxiety, anger, resentment and enhance awareness, freedom, Self-worth. It's a type of therapy that places more emphasis on the present than on the past.

The foundation of gestalt therapy is the notion that people are influenced by their immediate surroundings. A gestalt therapist focuses on what is happening in the moment and finding solutions in the present time. It is an amalgamation of different theories and techniques, compiled and refined over the years by many people, most notably its founder, Fritz Perls.

Gestalt Therapy Workshop in Akola

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