Gratitude Journal Practice in Akola

Ms. Anjali Nagpal

Anjali Nagpal is a business trainer, a life coach and workshop facilitator certified to present Heal Your Life transformational workshop worldwide (based on the philosophy of Louise L Hay) approved by Hay House, US. She also conducts others workshops relating to self healing.


Gratitude Journal Practice in Akola

Boost Your Happiness and Self-esteem with Gratitude Journal.

Imagine how it would feel to wake up each day in a good mood, feeling energised and prepared to face the world. You made the decision to take charge of your mind and concentrate on the positive rather than mentally reliving all of your life's problems and hiding under the covers.

The concept of gratitude is straightforward, however it can be challenging to put into practise. It is a widely used anxiety-reduction method. When you practise gratitude, you set out a period of time during which you will only think positively, putting worry and other negative thoughts aside.

In just 5 to 7 minutes each day, you will empowered, discover how to approach new situations with compassion, confidence, and optimism.

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