Karmic Reiki Classes in Akola

Sshree Posittive Energy Centre - Dr. Anurag Mathhur

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Anurag Mathhur(B.A.M.S.D.N.Y.S) .. My training includes: reiki grand master, crystal master,hypnosis master, vastu consultant , past life therapist , meditation etc.My healing is effective in diseases like Asthma, Allergy, Sinusitis, Arthritis, Blood pressure, Backpain, Cervical spondylitis, cold, diabetes, Gastric Ulcer, Scleroderma, piles, Hepatitis, Migraine, as well as other modalities. In short, I have dedicated my life to helping people for fast healing solutions using energy healing.

Ms. Shalini Saha

Shalini Saha conducts in-depth teaching for all levels of Reiki. Reiki is a wonderful gift we give ourselves. It is as much a personal empowerment tool as it is a Healing technique.

Dr. Puran Sharma - Reiki Bless You Foundation

Dr Puran Sharma is the founder of "Reiki Bless You Foundation", a holistic Lifestyle Brand, geared to empower people of various walks of life find their true power and live their lives in abundance of health, wealth, love and happiness..

Ms. Kondapalli Sai Himabindu

Sai's integrative energy healing, is drawn from her healing modalities, which includes - Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Money Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Psychic Surgery, Aura Scanning and Cleansing, Chakra Balancing. Melchizedeck with hologram of love and Merkaba Healing ...


Karmic Reiki in Akola

Karmic effects will come as rewards or lessons and punishments. The law of Karma states that for every deed that is committed by a person, its corresponding effect might not happen in the same lifetime, but can be in other lifetimes.. Karmic Reiki is a beautiful and gentle form of Reiki to heal and cleanse our Karma. It works on emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and Auric levels. Our karma is based on simple concept, if we do something with good intention we will receive the same and vice versa. So cleansing our karma is the first and the most essential step in the healing.

Individual Karma – This is karma that is limited to an individual. It can show up as strugglesand hardships with health, relationships, finances and the like.

Collective Karma – When a group of related or unrelated people share a similar issue, they are said to be recipients of collective karma. Victims of group accidents, war, and other unfortunate group incidents fall into this category.

Ancestral Karma – This is where patterns are passed on from past generations to current generation. Chronic Diseases, Genetic illnesses, early deaths, frequent miscarriages, abuse, violence, dysfunctional relationships and the like fall into this category.

Karmic Reiki works at the root level, works on the cause of every issue. It brings up hidden patterns and memories that need healing from across the generation space and time. It enhances our lives, gives us opportunities to heal past life issues, without always having to be aware of what exactly happened.

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