Magnified Healing Course in Akola

Magnified Healing

Magnified Healing Courses in Akola

Learn Magnified Healing

Magnified HealingĀ® is an extremely high-frequency, 5th-dimensional Ascension initiation by Mother Quan Yin. Magnified Healing establishes a constant flow of energy from your heart to the Source, the All That Is, the Infinite Mind, the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE, through all of the Spiritual Centers, down to the Diamond at the Center of the Earth. The link spirals and brings a deep state of grace from the Source, laying the foundation for the Ascension process.

Magnified Healing energy flows through the body of the client immediately releasing all misqualified energies and imbalances that are then sent to the Violet Fire for transmutation. Magnified Healing is a 5th-dimensional frequency vibration healing energy and is a tool for the Ascension process because its focus is on the heart Unconditional Spiritual Love and Compassion, we build our Light Body, we work with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters, and we are of service to others.

Magnified Healing is used for distant healing, balancing karma, building the Light Body, activating all the strands of DNA as well as healing the Earth. Magnified Healing is really an Ascension Initiation. It heals at all levels: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It also introduces the student to the Hierarchy (Melchizedek, Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, Buddha, Shekinah (The Presence of the Holy Spirit within you).

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