Pracheen Shuddhi - Natural & Pure, Cold Pressed Oils

Pracheen Shuddhi - natural & pure, cold pressed oils Akola

Pracheen Shuddhi: An exclusive range of natural & pure, cold pressed oils

Natural Oils - an essential part of our day to day diet and routine. Be it food, health or beauty products, Natural Oils have been and will continue to be an integral part of various products and foods that we consume every day.

Owing to economic growth, our lifestyles have changed significantly. We have moved to leading a sedentary lifestyle where everything from groceries to clothes to electronics is at our fingertips - online. Our dietary habits, too have changed. The quality of food has declined, we are consuming more of fast food & foods mostly cooked in oils that are not NATURAL anymore.

In the conventional method of oil extraction, the oilseed is crushed & heated to extremely high temperatures. So much that the nutrients of the oil are lost. Harmful solvents, chemicals & preservatives are added which make it unsafe for continuous consumption.

Is there an alternative? Do we have a choice?

The answer is YES! - right here in your city and your locality. PRACHEEN SHUDDHI.

Compared to commercially manufactured refined oils; our cold pressed oils are not chemically treated in any way nor are any preservatives added to these oils. We ensure that essential nutrients from the seeds are retained and you get a wholesome and healthy meal every time you cook.

The best part is that the process of extraction happens right in front of YOU.

Is this process new?

Not at all. The process of Oil extraction from Oil yielding seeds dates back to thousands of years. We are simply rejuvenating the process with a modern influence.

Pracheen and Shuddh our core beliefs.

What are the benefits, you may ask? Why cold pressed oils?

The good health of your loved ones. Isn't that reason enough? More below!

1) They retain healthy anti-oxidants that are otherwise destroyed by heat. These anti-oxidants fight harmful free radicals and prevent the growth of tumors.

2) Certain cold pressed oils are rich in Vitamin E and have anti-inflammatory, healing properties.

3) Cold pressed coconut oil, contains lauric acid, which fights against harmful pathogens. This compound is also found in human breast milk. According to, "Coconut oil contains a lot of medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized differently and can have therapeutic effects on several brain disorders."

4) A leading Celebrity nutritionist, recommends cold-pressed filtered groundnut oil. "At low temperatures, the fatty acid bonds in the groundnut don't get destroyed, keeping its heart-protecting abilities intact, along with vitamins and minerals. Groundnuts, with their high Niacin (of the Vitamin B family) content, help stabilize blood sugars", she writes in her article for Outlook 06 June2011 - Nuts to Heart-Healthy Oils

So, why wait! Take this step towards a wholesome, healthy life.

Come visit us and witness the process of natural oil extraction, from seeds to fresh oil being extracted right in front of you. Our team will be very happy to talk you through the process and answer any questions that you may have.

Contact @ +91 8104724123

Pracheen Shuddhi - cold pressed, Edible oils Akola

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