Anjali S. Rajwaney is an Empowering Numerologist & an Integrated Approach Therapist. She has devoted a lot of time to the study & research on numbers and how they affect human lives..
Past life Regression Trainer, Family Constellation Trainer, Theta Healing Trainer, Inner Child Work, Angel Therapist, Reiki healer, Hypnotherapy, Crystal Healing, Graphology, Tarot card reader & Astrologer
Jasmmin started her spiritual journey as a healer with Reiki. After finding tremendous success as a Reiki healer, she added the skills of healing modalities such as Pranic Healing, Lama Fera, Shalvik Mantra and Tarot Card reading to her repertoire and implements them all depending on the client's requirement..
Asha A Doshi is the founder and sole creator of a platform "Divine Light Healing & Training Centre" for all the light workers to come together and explore spirituality. Born with intuitive gifts of healing and teaching, she has spent her life learning, practicing, teaching and integrating diverse arts of making life a beautiful journey.
Dr. Karuna Kapil is a dentist turned change facilitator. She is trained in Crystals, Tarot, Angel Healing, Reiki, Numerology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Breakthrough Coaching, Access Bars®, Access Body Processes...
Dr. Kirti Kanodia is a certified Theta Healer, Trained Family Constellation Facilitator, Tarot card Reader, Past life Regression Therapist, Angel card reader, Inner child integration, Vedic Astrologer, Tasso Therapist and Reiki Master.
Sanchaitaa is a Master Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Reiki Master and Law of Attraction Coach. She has been in the field of meditation for last 10 years,
As so rightly affirmed by Reiki Grandmaster Dishaa, a young and dynamic lady, an M.B.A turned natural healing expert from Chandigarh (India) for whom life has always been a 'Love for the Moment' which is beautiful yet compassionate...
As a spiritual coach and Psychic healer she practices Akashic Records Readeing & Healing, Angelic Healing, Numerology, Reiki.
Numerology is the science of Numbers which enables guidance on the basis of an individual’s date of birth. The numbers derived by summing up the date is the radical number and the total of Date, Month and Year of birth is the lucky number of the individual. These two numbers play a significant role in his life.
Numerology in India is practiced by using these two significant numbers to guide an individual about his lucky days, lucky or unlucky years in his lifetime and timing other events in his lifetime.
Numerology in India is used in combination with Astrology, whereby Astrologers in India also refer to the planets in the horoscopes. The nine planets in the horoscope represent the nine numbers from one to nine. Therefore, Numerology in India is practiced in combination with Astrology in India and is referred to as Astro Numerology. In point of fact, Astrology in India is the parent science and numerology in India, Vastu in India, Color Therapy and other holistic approaches are offshoots of Astrology.
Now further, the question arises as in how many different ways does numerology in India help the client?
First and most ,frequent application of numerology in India is using date of birth as clue to choose a name letter and then to spell the name of an individual at the time of birth. Therefore, numerology and Astrologer in India are approached before the naming ceremony of the child to suggest a suitable name and spelling of the name for the new born baby.
Secondly, alterations are made by Numerology and Astrologers in India in the name by adding or removing certain letters in the spelling to match the destiny and radical numbers. This small correction in name spelling makes things fall into place and the individual derives success and acclaim with less efforts.
The Astrologers in India and Numerology in India who follow Astro Numerology also make use of the birth chart or horoscope of an individual. They consider and choose the numbers and letters of the auspicious planets in the birth chart to correspond with the name , spelling and name number. This is a preferred method and leads to better results than by simply corresponding the date of birth with the radical and lucky numbers.
So, just remember to contact the Astrologer in India and Numerologer in India before the naming ceremony of your New born baby.
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