Symphony of Possibilities in Chandigarh

Ms. Malvika Kapoor

I have grown up with strong awareness of and connection with the source and could sense the energies since I was a child. Iam a Life coach, Intuitive energy therapist & healer. Practicing Access Bars, GFT Technique, Trauma Healing, Mony and abunsance sessions...

The World Of Miraculousness with Mansi Narang Kakkar

Mansi Narang Kakkar is an Access Consciousness Bars N Facelift Facilitator And Practitioner, A Certified Pranic Healer, Talk to the Entities Practitioner, Body Process practitioner, Symphony of Possibilities Practitioner, Reiki Healer, A Psychic n a medium.

Ms. Harshada Samant

A few years ago, I discovered the gifts of healing and coaching that the divine had bestowed within me and realised there is so much more to my life. Since then outside my corporate career,

Symphony of Possibilities

Symphony of Possibilities - Chandigarh

What is Symphony of Possibilities? SOP

The Symphony Sessions are about energetic empowerment and change. They can invite you open up to LIVING in a completely different way. Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies. An SOP session allows you to start to truly access, what is true for you and your body - beyond everything that you bought as real in this reality. Prior to beginning the session, you are asked that what would it be, if you could receive one thing from the session? This then becomes the space from which the session starts to play! What comes up, as the session progresses, is totally unique to every individual and often way beyond, what you would have ever expected.

Individuals that have received sessions have experienced deep release from their bodies. Some find themselves in a place of happiness and clarity, where they were previously depressed and confused. Others have found their bodies healing dynamically after one session. SOP Sessions can even be highly effective and supremely pleasant ways to release stress and tension.

With each SOP Session you receive, places you weren't even aware that were hiding from you, start to play themselves up to the surface of your being. With each session you start to realize how beautiful, magnificent and amazing you are.

These sessions are equally effective by distance or in person. In doing a distance session all that is required is booking in a mutual time and setting this time aside for you to lie down and receive the energies. Sometimes a short debriefing time can be arranged post session.The SOP sessions are based on Access Consciousness®, and the energetic transformation work created by by Dr Dain Heer!

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