Career Counselling in Dubai

Mr. Varun L. Rupani.

Varun L. Rupani has been a practising graphologist for the past 12 years and has conducted numerous courses in India, especially in Dubai, for individual and corporate clients.

Career Counselling
Career Counselling in Dubai

Career test is a battery of test measuring various abilities and orientation of students from grades 10 and 12.The battery is fully computerised right from entering the candidates personal data, administering the test, solving of the test by the candidate .The battery is solved in one sitting, requiring around 2 hours to complete.

There are 17 intelligence test that enable measurement of the following eight abilities.

1.cognitive ability 2.Reasoning ability 3.Figural memory 4.Spatial ability 5Verbal ability 6.Social ability 7.Numerical ability.8 Numerical Memory.

In addition ,orientation are measured through questionnaire, divided into two parts, which yields scores indicating the following orientations:

1 .Knowledge orientation 2.Practical orientation 3.Artistic orientation 4.power orientation 5.Power orientation

Test results are available in the form of standard scores,ability quotients,percentile ranks and grades on the ailities and orientations mentioned before.This will enable the counsellor to analyse the candidates with abilities withrespect to the expected profile and guide the students in selecting a career.

The candidate will get the report of his/her abilities and orientations in the form of scores,a graph band a guidance report.>

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