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Reiki in Shillong

Dr. Jaspal Kaur

Kaur's Holistic Healing Center for Research and Training- Dr. Jaspal Kaur holds qualifications as MD(A.M.), Reiki Grand Master, Karuna Reiki® Master, Handwriting analyst, Master Crystal therapist, Ho-opono-pono therapist, Counselor and consultant, Workshop facilitator, Healer and Alternative Health Practitioner.

MBS Healing Temple - Dr. Richa Chawla

Dr. Richa Chawla will help you in need of Coaching, Counselling or Healing to achieve your goals, break through limiting beliefs, heal your heart, increase your confidence and self esteem, or To Transform and Be Transformed you can.

Ms. Anju Saini

Anju Saini acknowledged as internationally known psychic, whose work as a teacher and reader has established her firmly as an expert in many paranormal fields. She has been reading the Tarot from a decade and is considered to be one of the Brilliant Tarot Reader and Counselor, known for an excellent grip over the art of Tarot Cards Reading and trainings, Reiki Healing and Quantum touch classes.

Ms. Arpita Banerjee

Arpita Banerjee, prefers to call herself “The Co-Creator” rather than a therapist, coach, mentor or a trainer. She Believes that everyone is innately marvellous and a powerful creator of their own life.

Ms. Sanchaitaa Panda

Sanchaitaa is a Master Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Reiki Master and Law of Attraction Coach. She has been in the field of meditation for last 10 years,

Inner Wisdom Light- Soma Chatterjee

Soma is a Reiki Grandmaster, Spiritual Therapist and a Happiness Coach. Having international licenses for NLP and Access Bars, Reiki and various other Spiritual Modalities, Soma has access to the right combination of knowledge, skills

Ms. Shalini Saha

Shalini Saha conducts in-depth teaching for all levels of Reiki. Reiki is a wonderful gift we give ourselves. It is as much a personal empowerment tool as it is a Healing technique.

Dr. Geettanjali V. Saxenaa.

Past life Regression Trainer, Family Constellation Trainer, Theta Healing Trainer, Inner Child Work, Angel Therapist, Reiki healer, Hypnotherapy, Crystal Healing, Graphology, Tarot card reader & Astrologer

Ms. Geetha Sellamuthu - Sanghamitra Centre for Wellbeing

Sanghamitra Centre for Well Being was founded in 2000 to Educate, Enrich, Evolve and Empower you on your Self Exploratory journey in a safe, caring and compassionate environment in order that you may experience wellness, peace, healing, energy, and success in all levels of your life.

A great variety of courses pertaining to the Soul, Mind, and Body are taught at Sanghamitra both by myself and experts in the relevant field.

Dr. Seema Madan

Dr Seema Madan is an Internationally Licensed Access Bars Practitioner, SOP Practitioner, TTTE Practitioner, Reiki master and a wellness and life coach...

Ms. Ritu Bahri

Ritu's unique integrative Energy Healing modality is drawn from a spectrum of healing modalities, including Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Aura scanning, Chakra balancing, Embodying the living principles of self-transformational human evolution.

Sshree Posittive Energy Centre - Dr. Anurag Mmathur

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Anurag Mmathur(B.A.M.S.D.N.Y.S) .. My training includes: reiki grand master, crystal master,hypnosis master, vastu consultant, past life therapist, meditation etc. My healing is effective in diseases like Asthma, Allergy, Sinusitis, Arthritis, Blood pressure, Backpain, Cervical spondylitis, cold, diabetes, Gastric Ulcer, Scleroderma, piles, Hepatitis, Migraine, as well as other modalities. In short, I have dedicated my life to helping people for fast healing solutions using energy healing.

Cosmicx Healing Art - Ms. KripaJyoti Nisha Singla

KripaJyoti Nisha Singla (PGDBM) is a Spiritual master, Energy worker, Reiki Master, Theta Instructor, and a dedicated Artist who has been working in the field of healings, spirituality, counselling, relationship healing, family therapy and alternative medicine therapies from more than 12 years.

The Sanctuary - Ms. Sunita Rao

In her pursuit of finding better ways to heal the human body, mind and spirit Sunita Rao has been certified by internationally renowned organizations such as the EKAA School of Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy and Heal Your Life based on the philosophy of Louise L Hays. She is also a Reiki Grandmaster practising and initiating in the Usui system of Reiki..

Ms. Dishaa

As so rightly affirmed by Reiki Grandmaster Dishaa, a young and dynamic lady, an M.B.A turned natural healing expert from Chandigarh (India) for whom life has always been a 'Love for the Moment' which is beautiful yet compassionate...

Dr. H.P. Anujj Elviis

Magik is the Divine working through you to bring about change in the world says Anujj Elviis. He has explored his own ways, methods and techniques towards the path of self realization. He is Spiritualist, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Medium and a Healer.

Ms. Smriethee Jjain Sethu

Smriethee, is a born Empath, Reiki Healer, Hypnotherapist, Tarot Reader, and a Crystal Healer. As a healer she uses many other modalities, guided by my intuition like Auto writing and Angel Healing....

Safe Holistic Therapy : Reiki

Reiki is a gentle technique that reduces stress and promotes healing and relaxation. It is a simple and safe holistic therapy that influences the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Reiki Transforms Energy

Reiki is grounded in the belief that life force energy flows within us all. When this life force energy is low, stress, illness and disease occur. Reiki works by improving this life force energy and bringing about a sense of peace and wellbeing and enhancing a person’s quality of life.

Reiki Treatment

To receive reiki a person can sit in a chair or lie on a padded table. They remain fully clothed. A reiki practitioner then gently places their hands on or near certain points of the body. Treatment usually lasts between 60-90 minutes and is deeply relaxing. Reiki is simple to learn and can be taught to people so they can perform reiki on themselves.

Reiki Principles

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice but it is not a religion. Since reiki was developed in the 1920s different systems of reiki have developed. However, they all share the same five precepts or principles:

1 Do not become angry

2 Worry about nothing

3 Express your gratitude

4 Be diligent in your work

5 Be kind to others

Reiki Complements Other Treatments

Reiki can promote healing on its own but can also support other healing modalities. Reiki doesn’t interfere with or diminish the effects of other health or medical practices and can:

1 Reduce negative side effects

2 Shorten healing time

3 Reduce or elimiate pain

4 Reduce stress and

5 Help create optimism

Reiki is increasingly accepted in health and community care facilities including hospitals, hospices and cancer support units.

Reiki is a healing practice that is so gentle it can be safely performed on babies, the frail and the sick. It brings about a deep sense of relaxation and contentment and can complement other healing treatments.

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