Access Consciousness Foundation in Vashi

The Mind Collective - Ms. Shree Dembla

Shree Dembla is truly a miracle maker. Her words, her work, her touch, her presence brings an innate sense of joy, ease and Tsunami of possibilities. She is the catalyst for change (Transformation Coach, Energy Healer, Hypno Therapist, Consciousness Facilitator, Motivational Speaker...

Ms. Tasneem Ali Bunglowala

Ms Tasneem Ali Bunglowala is a leader in healing and empowerment with more than 20 years of experience in corporate world. She practices tools of Access Consciousness, Landmark Education and Organisational leadership to transform individuals and teams..

Access Consciousness Foundation in Vashi

Access Consciousness Foundation

Are you ready for a totally different reality? Are you bored or dissatified with what your life is like now?

The Foundation is a class like no other. It is the space of four days of facilitation, Access Bars and Access Body Work targeting the giant pool of limitation that has been the foundation of the creation of your life up to this point.

We all have points of view, beliefs, judgements, feelings from the past that create what we think we can or cannot be. Things that we don't even realise we are carrying that are limiting what can show up as our reality. If you were willing to let them go, what other possibilities for your life could you be aware of?

This class is for ANYONE who is looking for something different, you won't get any answers but you will discover a energy and space that allows you to step into being the greatness of you so that you can start creating your life from a totally different way of being.

How much greater could your life be?

Pre-req for this class is the Access Bars class which is recommended to attend in person or online.

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