Law of Attraction Coach in Vashi

Ms. Anjali Nagpal

Anjali Nagpal is a business trainer, a life coach and workshop facilitator certified to present Heal Your Life transformational workshop worldwide (based on the philosophy of Louise L Hay) approved by Hay House, US. She also conducts others workshops relating to self healing.

Ratandeep Singh Matta

Ratandeep has more than 10 years of experience in corporate sector and specialises into Coaching and Training. He is on a mission to empower millions towards positivity with his Niche being into Law of Attraction.

Ms. Rachana Khanzode

Rachana Khanzode is a Law of Attraction expert and Bangalore-based author-speaker who helps people transform and create an abundant life. Rachana is a leader in personal development, and has been teaching corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and people from all walks of life...

Ms. Nidhi Gupta

Nidhi Gupta is a management graduate working with her family business . With two years of experience, she has many satisfied clients across the globe. Her major focus areas is Relationship and Abundance. She has conducted many successful workshops on Heal your life and Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Coaching in Vashi

Law of Attraction: Positive Thoughts Bring Positive Results? Empower yourself by understanding the key concepts of the universal Law of Attraction and by learning simple, yet powerful processes and techniques to begin to deliberately create the life you desire. All of us are supported by the Universe, and when we open to being in the flow of well-being and abundance, life becomes easier, more satisfying, and joyful.

Are you ready to attract into your life new and more fulfilling experiences, improved relationships, greater abundance, and an enhanced sense of well-being?

The Law of Attraction, which is the most powerful law in the universe, basically says that "like attracts like." We live in a vibrational universe where everything, including our thoughts, are vibrations. Whatever we are giving our attention to or thinking about-whether or not it is something we wish to have in our experience-is drawn to us.

If your current life experience is not as you desire, then you have been creating by default which is what most people do. You can, however, easily begin to consciously and deliberately create a new reality for yourself-starting from where you are right now.

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