Angel Healing in Auckland

Ms. Geetha Sellamuthu - Sanghamitra Centre for Wellbeing

Sanghamitra Centre for Well Being was founded in 2000 to Educate, Enrich, Evolve and Empower you on your Self Exploratory journey in a safe, caring and compassionate environment in order that you may experience wellness, peace, healing, energy, and success in all levels of your life.

A great variety of courses pertaining to the Soul, Mind, and Body are taught at Sanghamitra both by myself and experts in the relevant field.

Ms. Krisha Meetu Kapoor

A Clairvoyant by birth & a blessed channel of light she is an accomplished Angel Certified Practitioner trained under Charles Virtue, Clinical Hypnotherapist from California Hypnosis Institute of India, Theta Healer, Intuitive Numerologist, Crystal Healer...

Arpita Thakkar

I am Arpita Thakkar, an Alternative Therapist and certified master in many healing modalilties like Reiki, Tarot Cards, Angel Guidance and Angel Cards, Akashic Records, Bach flowers, Pendulam Dowsing and many more.

Livin Harmony

Licensed Heal Your Life Workshop Leader, Teen Empowerment Facilitator and Life Coach, an Angel Therapist, Angel Life Coach and a advanced Numerologist.

Divine Light Healing & Training Centre - Ms. Asha A Doshi

Asha A Doshi is the founder and sole creator of a platform "Divine Light Healing & Training Centre" for all the light workers to come together and explore spirituality. Born with intuitive gifts of healing and teaching, she has spent her life learning, practicing, teaching and integrating diverse arts of making life a beautiful journey.

Inner Wisdom Light- Soma Chatterjee

Soma is a Reiki Grandmaster, Spiritual Therapist and a Happiness Coach. Having international licenses for NLP and Access Bars, Reiki and various other Spiritual Modalities, Soma has access to the right combination of knowledge, skills

Ace Tarot - Ms. Anju Saini

Anju Saini acknowledged as internationally known psychic, whose work as a teacher and reader has established her firmly as an expert in many paranormal fields. She has been reading the Tarot from a decade and is considered to be one of the Brilliant Tarot Reader and Counselor, known for an excellent grip over the art of Tarot Cards Reading and trainings, Reiki Healing and Quantum touch classes.

Signs of Angelic Presence
Angel Healing in Auckland

Although very few people so far have reported seeing an angel, thousands of them have sensed or felt their presence at sometime or the other. There are many signs to tell that an angel or a divine being is around, as angels do give us a sign when they are working with us.

The most common of them is a seeing flashes, sparkles or trail of light for a moment. This is because the angels are made up of light and they glow in different colours. The other most common sign reported is a feeling of warmth around head, neck or face. Sometimes this feeling is associated with change in air pressure too which is perceived as a pressure on the crown area or in our ears.

Sometimes angels reach to us in the form of repeated number sequences called Angel Numbers (like 111, 4444, 555 etc.) Each number sequence has a message associated with it and if a particular sequence is seen repeatedly then it means that the message associated with the number is the guidance the angels are giving you right now.

Apart from the signs mentioned above, there are many other signs which the angels give us to make their presence known like seeing feathers around you, slight breeze in the room even when the windows are closed, cloud formation in the shape of angels, sounds of bells or chime or your name being called when no one is around, a pleasing fragrance from unknown source that lasts for a moment. The list is endless. Each one of us are going to feel the angels in our own unique and different ways depending upon our sensitivity and receptivity. If you have a strong feeling that you are in the presence of an angel then you most likely are because the unconditional love radiating from them is unmistakable.

Angels are ready waiting for our call of help and are happy to help always. While they are around us and working for us they make their presence felt. Look for signs in your life. How is that you are connecting to your angels today?


There are millions of angels who are working with the mankind on earth right now to bring about peace and happiness on earth. These angels belong to different spheres or categories. The Angelic Realm has a hierarchy of angels with each having different powers and specialties. The Angelic Realm has three spheres of angels consisting of nine orders, that is three in each sphere. The first one is the Heavenly Counsellors consisting of the Seraphim; the Cherubim; the Thrones, the second one is the Heavenly Governors consisting of the Dominions; the Virtues; the Powers and the third one is the Heavenly Messengers consisting of the Principalities; the Archangels; the Guardian Angels. The angels working with the people on earth belong to the third sphere and are discussed in detail further.

Guardian Angels:

The Angels assigned to us from birth to stay by our side till death are known as Guardian Angels. They stay with us permanently during our stay on earth ensuring our safety. They are well familiar with our mission on earth and assist us in achieving our life purpose by motivating and guiding us throughout. There are at least two Guardian Angels with us always but one can invoke more than that as well.


Archnagels manages and supervises the guardian angels and other angels on earth. Archangel are very powerful and large. They do not have gender but we perceive them as male or female by their special names and energies. Few Archangels are mentioned in the holy texts of Bible, Kuran and ancient jewish texts. There are many Archangels but only 16 of them are currently working with mankind. They have a unique aura colour and speciality. The four major Archangels are discussed in detail.

Archangel Michael:

The name means ”he who is like God”. He releases us from fear and all forms of negativity. He is associated with providing courage and protection. He is the most powerful Archangel and supervises other Archangels as well. It is believed that Archangel Michael has a sword of light in his hand and uses it to cut the cords of negativity around us. The aura colour associated with him is royal purple.

Archangel Raphael:

The name means ”he who heals”. He is in charge of all forms of healing. He heals diseases and sicknesses and painful situations in life and brings about comfort by detaching us from painful situations in life. He helps healers to enhance their healing skills. He is also known to assist travellers. The aura colour associated with him is emerald green.

Archangel Uriel:

The name means “God is light”. He gives wisdom and new ideas and helps with setting up of new ventures. He is known to help us fulfill our goals and dreams by keeping us motivated and encouraged. He helps during natural calamities as it is believed that he warned Noah of the impending flood and helped him. The aura colour associated with him is pale yellow.

Archangel Gabriel:

The name means “messenger of God”. It is believed that Archangel Gabriel delivered the message to Mary about the birth of Jesus. Archangel Gabriel assists messengers like writers, teachers and public speakers. Also helps expectant parents with pregnancy, childbirth and adoption. The aura colour associated with her is Copper.

The other Archangels working with us are Archangel Ariel, Azrael, Chamuel, Haniel, Jeremiel, Jophiel, Metatron, Raguel, Raziel, Sandalphon, Zadkiel and Nathaniel. As each one of them have a speciality, we can connect with a particular Archangel and receive guidance and help in that particular area.

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