Melchizedek Method Healing in Auckland

Ms. Kondapalli Sai Himabindu

Sai's integrative energy healing, is drawn from her healing modalities, which includes - Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Money Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Psychic Surgery, Aura Scanning and Cleansing, Chakra Balancing. Melchizedeck with hologram of love and Merkaba Healing ...


Melchizedek Method Healing

Melchizedek Method

The Melchizedek Method is a complete and comprehensive healing system that draws on ancient healing wisdom. This transformative modality works with Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realms, The Egyptian Mystery School, Cosmic Consciousness, and multi-dimensional energies. You receive the Melchizedek Method through a series of mediations that directly connect you with %th dimensional Ascended Master energies. Your vibrational frequency is raised on a cellular level, allowing you to hold more Light in your body. You are empowered to step into your Mastery, and access your Higher Self and I AM Presence. Upon completion of the combined Level 1 & 2 class, the healing system is received. It provides healing on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, karmically, genetically and spiritually.Through the use of Flower of Life Holograms of Love, the Melchizedek Method helas and rejuvenates the body. It treats the elemental bodies, the merdians and chakras, the organs, the immune system, the muscular and skeletal systems, activates the pineal and pituitary glands, restructures the DNA, reestablishes your Divine Blueprint and more. Specific areas of need in the physical and etheric bodies are directly treated and cleansed. The Melchizedek Method of healing is limitless and powerful.

The Melchizedek Method is received through a series of meditations which encode you with sacred geometry, activating your merkaba, connecting you to Lemurian and Egyptian Mystery School energies, and so much more. You are supported by the Ascended Masters in this work which allows yout o absorb their infinite wisdom and high vibrational healing. This energitic connection creates the ability to bring Ascended Master healing and light into the world, raising global consciousness and spiritualy elevating humanity.

Many people are feeling drawn to the Melchizedek Method for they recognize this heart-calling. As we connect with this method, not only does it increase one's Light quotient, but it is also increase the Light vibration of Earth and raises Unity Consciousness of mankind. My life has been deeply enriched and broadened by the Melchizedek Method. It is with great joy that I teach this healing method to others

ABOUT THE FOUNDER: Alton Kamadon, the founder of The Melchizedek Method, was a clairvoyant channel and spiritual teacher. He was responsible for grounding upon the Earth plane the vibration of the KAMADON ORDER OF MASTERY OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Alton Kamadon was initiated into the Alpha Omega Order of Melchizedek and, as a Spiritual Teacher, he was actively involded in presenting world meditations, healings, counselling and initiations. As he constantly travelled the world, he presented up-to-date information and techniques within seminar environments. He was a guest speaker at the United Nations where he gave a speech on unconditional love and channelled a message of love from Lord Sananda.

Alton received "THE MELCHIZEDEK METHOD" incoporating "The Hologram of Love" Light Body Activation, in August, 1997 from the Ascended Master Thoth. Alton also constantly received information and worked with The Ascended Masters, The Angelic Realms, Lord Sananda and Lord Melchizedek. He also had memories of his deep connection to the ancient Mystery Schools of Lemuria,Atlantis and Egypt.

In August,1997 the Ascended Master Thoth introduced to Alton a completely simplified approach to Ascension and Merkaba light body activation. He also brought forward a new holographic healing modality. He called this new/old wisdom "THE MECHIZEDEK METHOD". Thoth impressed upon Alton that these new/old techniques were first practiced on earth by the cetaceans (dolphins and whales) within the temples of self discovery and higher learning in Atlantis. He went on to say: "THE MELCHIZEDEK METHOD is much more than a light body activation, healing and rejuvenation technique. It is a whole new formula for body health, harmony and spiritual ascension."

The Hologram of Love is the basis for these extraordinary spiritual teachings and is the simplest most powerful accential tool introduced to mankind at this time.

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