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Reiki Distant Healing in Auckland

Sshree Posittive Energy Centre - Anurag Mathhur

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Anurag Mathhur(B.A.M.S.D.N.Y.S) .. My training includes: reiki grand master, crystal master,hypnosis master, vastu consultant, past life therapist, meditation etc. My healing is effective in diseases like Asthma, Allergy, Sinusitis, Arthritis, Blood pressure, Backpain, Cervical spondylitis, cold, diabetes, Gastric Ulcer, Scleroderma, piles, Hepatitis, Migraine, as well as other modalities...

Ms. Geetha Sellamuthu - Sanghamitra Centre for Wellbeing

Sanghamitra Centre for Well Being was founded in 2000 to Educate, Enrich, Evolve and Empower you on your Self Exploratory journey in a safe, caring and compassionate environment in order that you may experience wellness, peace, healing, energy, and success in all levels of your life.

A great variety of courses pertaining to the Soul, Mind, and Body are taught at Sanghamitra both by myself and experts in the relevant field.

Ace Tarot - Ms. Anju Saini

Anju Saini acknowledged as internationally known psychic, whose work as a teacher and reader has established her firmly as an expert in many paranormal fields. She has been reading the Tarot from a decade and is considered to be one of the Brilliant Tarot Reader and Counselor, known for an excellent grip over the art of Tarot Cards Reading and trainings, Reiki Healing and Quantum touch classes.

Cosmicx Healing Art - Ms. KripaJyoti Nisha Singla

KripaJyoti Nisha Singla (PGDBM) is a Spiritual master, Energy worker, Reiki Master, Theta Instructor, and a dedicated Artist who has been working in the field of healings, spirituality, counselling, relationship healing, family therapy and alternative medicine therapies from more than 12 years.

Simple overview of conducting a distant Reiki healing session
Distance Healing Auckland

Here is a simple overview for conducting a distant Reiki healing session.

1. Be sure that you will not be interrupted, then make yourself comfortable and relax into a meditative state.

2. Ground and protect yourself.

3. Ask for guidance and assistance from your spiritual healing team (which can include your guides, angels, ascended masters and teachers, Reiki masters and teachers and the universal source, etc.).

4. You will use visualization (your imagination) during the process.

5. Set and affirm your intention. (E.g. release headache pain, release toxins or energy blockages, strengthen blood flow, stabilize blood pressure, induce faster healing for a "set" broken leg, create new healthy cells, etc.)

6. To consciously direct and start the transmission of Reiki distant healing, visualize or draw while intoning three times, silently or aloud, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen (the distant symbol, pronounced Hon-Shaw-Zay-Show-Nen). Its purpose is to trigger the distant healing, plus it eliminates distance through time and space.

7. Next, visualize or draw while intoning three times, Sei-He-Ki (the emotional symbol, pronounced Say-Hay-Key). Its purpose is to provide emotional healing.

8. Next, visualize or draw while intoning three times, Cho-Ku-Rei (the power symbol, pronounced Choh-Koo-Ray). Its purpose is to increase the power of the healing energy.

9. Lastly, for those who have learned Reiki Master Level, visualize or draw while intoning three times Dai-Ko-Myo (this is the non-traditional Usui master symbol, pronounced Die-Coe-Me-Oh). It is is a universal all-purpose healing symbol, which removes pain and disease.

10. If you are using a surrogate prop, you can also draw these over or onto the prop. Note: For those who only have Reiki Level 1, be assured that you can still do Reiki distant healing, because during your initiation the symbols were permanently placed within your aura and are automatically directed through your intention for their specific function or use. Remember, it's your focus and intention that directs and influences the healing.

11. Next, ask permission from the recipient. In your mind's eye, you will receive a signal such as a smile, a nod, a green light for a "yes" affirmation or a red light, stop sign or head shaking signalling a "no" answer. Note: If you receive a "no" reply, then send the Reiki healing energy to the recipient's guides with the intention that the healing energy will be re-directed to the recipient at the appropriate time.

12. If you visualize the recipient on a table, then proceed with hand or pendulum scanning that will indicate energy level inconsistencies.

13. Proceed using the basic hand positions in whatever order you are inclined to use. Pay attention to your intuition and follow its guidance.

14. Be mindful to any messages or impressions (what you hear, what you see, what you feel, what you sense, what you smell or what you taste) that you may receive during treatment. Be careful to avoid over-analyzing what you receive and also avoid editing.

15. When finished, sweep or smooth the recipient's auric (energy) field.

16. Re-scan to check for improvements to the recipient's energy level and if there are still major inconsistencies, apply additional Reiki energy to that specific area.

17. If necessary, sweep the auric field again.

18. Place and protect the recipient in a healing bubble of colour (whatever you are drawn to use).

19. Give thanks and gratitude to your healing team.

20. Dis-connect your energy from the recipient's by cleansing yourself (use your favourite technique).

21. Record the details of your healing session.

22. Within a few days contact the recipient, or whoever requested the healing, to discuss and confirm the results of the Reiki distant healing. Feedback will help raise and encourage your confidence level as a Reiki distant healer.

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