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Quantum Touch Healing in Auckland

Ace Tarot - Ms. Anju Saini

Anju Saini acknowledged as internationally known psychic, whose work as a teacher and reader has established her firmly as an expert in many paranormal fields. She has been reading the Tarot from a decade and is considered to be one of the Brilliant Tarot Reader and Counselor, known for an excellent grip over the art of Tarot Cards Reading and trainings, Reiki Healing and Quantum touch classes.


Quantum Touch Healing in Auckland

If you have been living with chronic backache or knee pain or neck and shoulder pain, there is help close at hand. Even those with misaligned spine, hip bones and shoulder blades, can get corrections without any intrusive surgery or medication. Other illnesses like Diabetes, Loss of sensation in parts of body or eyesight defects due to pinched nerves in vertebras can be corrected with a gentle healing technique called Quantum Touch.

What is Quantum-Touch?

Quantum-Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energy (LFE) of the body to promote optimal wellness. Life Force Energy, also known as "chi" in Chinese and "prana" in Sanskrit, is the flow of energy that sustains all living beings. Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results.

Quantum-Touch is an effective method for reducing back pain , realigning structure, balancing organs, glands and systems, reducing muscle aches, healing injuries, healing burns, and so much more.

How Does Quantum-Touch Energy Healing Work?

Healing is a fascinating process which is generally very poorly understood. Although it may be tempting to believe that we can heal other people, it is of utmost importance to realize that all healing is self-healing. The body has an extraordinary intelligence and ability to heal itself. Given the right energetic, emotional, nutritional, and spiritual environments, the natural state of the body is perfect health. Our favorite definition of a healer is someone who was sick and got well; a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly.

Although all healing is self healing, we can assist other people heal with their own healing process.

Quantum-Touch uses life-force energy (known as "chi" in Chinese and "prana" in Sanskrit) to facilitate healing. The Quantum-Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplify life-force energy by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises.

Life-force energy is an effective tool for healing because of the principles of resonance and entrainment. In physics, entrainment theory is the process where two vibrating objects, vibrating at different speeds, start to vibrate at the same speed when energy is transferred between the two objects. Entrainment shows up in chemistry, neurology, biology, medicine, and more. For example, crickets will chirp in unison and fireflies will flash at the same time.

Using the Quantum-Touch techniques, we can create a high frequency of life-force energy. If we place this field of high energy around an area of pain, stress, inflammation, or disease, the body can entrain to the higher frequency, thus amplifying the body's ability to heal itself.

Is Quantum-Touch Effective?

The body has an extraordinary ability to heal itself. Quantum-Touch helps to maximize the body's own capacity to heal. Quantum-Touch addresses the root cause of disease and creates the space for true healing to occur. Rather than just working on symptoms, Quantum-Touch will address the underlying cause of disease. We teach the concept of "body intelligence": the body knows how to bring itself back to 100% wholeness given the proper conditions.

People have reported a wide range of organic conditions that have been helped through Quantum-Touch. To give some sense of the spectrum of things we have encountered, practitioners have reported varying degrees of success with pain relief, cancer, reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, reducing liver enzyme levels, infections, hydrocephalus, improved eyesight, and much, much more.

Quantum-Touch does not claim to treat or heal specific conditions; the effectiveness of Quantum-Touch is based on an individual's ability to heal and the results will vary. Ultimately if the body can, it will heal itself and Quantum-Touch may accelerate that process.

Some commonly observed phenomena with Quantum-Touch

Acceleration of the Healing Process.

Transformation of Structure - Multiple Sclerosis, Scoliosis, Scurvy.

Movement of Bones into Correct Alignment.

Excellent results with babies, animals, and people under general anesthesia.

Inflammation due to injury is rapidly reduced.

Emotional and psychological conditions respond well to Quantum-Touch.

Induction of sleep or deep meditation.

Distant Healing.

Reshaping bunions and healing deformed or broken bones.

What if you could reduce or eliminate the need for pain medication? Wouldn't that be a relief?

Quantum-Touch is a complementary pain management technique that targets the cause of pain. While medications manage the symptoms, they do not get to the root of the pain. For example, if you have back pain, it could be due to injury, misalignment of the spine, or a host of other factors. Taking pain medication will not address the misalignment or the injury or the trigger of the pain.

Quantum-Touch works differently. We work with the premise that the body, given the right conditions, knows how to heal itself.

It's our birthright to be in perfect health, to feel good, and to be pain free.

Quantum-Touch works with the Life-Force Energy of the body. Life-Force Energy, (also called Prana, Chi, bio-energy, etc) is the difference between something that is "alive" vs. something that is not "alive." So if you leave lettuce out on the counter for a few days, you'll notice that it will become wilted - it will start losing it's life-force energy. Just picked lettuce, on the other hand, still has it's life-force energy intact. Similarly, if you life-force energy is low, you may feel tired, drained, or depressed, etc. Pain, disease, inflammation, etc is created from a lack of, or imbalance of our life-force energy. For example, if you have a garden hose and you are trying to water the lawn - you can stop the flow of water by stepping on the hose, or creating a kink in the hose. If you can remove the blockage in the hose, then the water will flow freely.

Quantum-Touch can help to increase the life-force energy. QT works by applying the principles of resonance and entrainment to facilitate healing. Practitioners learn to focus and amplify life-force energy by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises. When the practitioner resonates at a high frequency, the client often entrains to, or matches, the higher frequency, thereby facilitating healing using the body's biological intelligence. Life-force energy affects matter on the quantum, subatomic level and works its way up through atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and structure.

We have many stories of people who have used Quantum-Touch to eliminate pain - permanently! For case histories please visit Quantum-Touch website at www.quantumtouch.com.

Will Quantum-Touch Work for Me?

Here is a question that we often receive: We have anecdotal stories of how Quantum-Touch has worked for many people, yet the real question is - How would it work for me?

Every body is unique in it's capacity to heal. How quickly a person heals is due in part to variables such as

Nutritional needs (does their body have the resources?)

Willingness to heal (on the surface it's always "yes," but underneath?)

Time (some things take time, such as tissue growth)

Toxicity or Congestion in the body (definitely hampers healing)

Severity (intense or severe conditions won't always heal quickly)

Emotions and Mental frame sets that resist healing

Sometimes chronic pain goes away in one hour during a Quantum-Touch healing session. Sometimes pain relief may be gradual over a long series of sessions. We have

noted that Quantum-Touch appears to be more effective when someone else is working on you, rather than doing energy healing on yourself.

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