Energy Healing in Vile Parle

Divine Light Healing & Training Centre - Ms. Asha A Doshi

Asha A Doshi is the founder and sole creator of a platform "Divine Light Healing & Training Centre" for all the light workers to come together and explore spirituality. Born with intuitive gifts of healing and teaching, she has spent her life learning, practicing, teaching and integrating diverse arts of making life a beautiful journey.

Arpita Thakkar

I am Arpita Thakkar, an Alternative Therapist and certified master in many healing modalilties like Reiki, Tarot Cards, Angel Guidance and Angel Cards, Akashic Records, Bach flowers, Pendulam Dowsing and many more.

Energy Healing
Energy Healing in Vile Parle

Energy Healing

Energy Healing is a broad term for any therapy that stimulates the energy flow in or around the human body to restore balance on all levels, thereby enabling the physical body to heal itself. Basically clearing blocks and interferences from the biofield.

Some of the more well know therapies that could fall under the heading of "energy healing" include Reiki, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Pranic Healing, Thought Field Therapy, Acupuncture and Tong Ren Therapy. Even Yoga could be considered a type of energy healing. Yoga, the Sanskrit word for "union", is a practice that uses posture and breathing techniques to induce relaxation, improve strength and flexibility. A union between body and spirit, an essential ingredient for energy to flow.

There are in fact hundreds of defined modalities. Energy healing also encompasses natural therapies such as: Aura and Chakra balancing, Crystal Healing, Colour Therapy and Spiritual Healing, among others. Although we class what we do as simply intuitive energy healing, if you need to label it, then Integrated Spiritual Alignment is the term to use. It's the concept of bringing the Spirit back into alignment with the chosen life journey. The knowledge of energy healing has been used for centuries and there is plenty of evidence to show that energy balance creates an environment for our body to self-heal.

So there are many types of Energy Healing practises and it is believed the art of healing is within the capacity of everyone. The true skill comes from the ability to combine different frequencies to induce a particular effect. Those different effects my be needed across different dimensions, because dis-harmony in our life does not necessarily come from just physical or emotional imbalances.

Along with directing energy we are often visited by other beings who work directly on the client. Relatives that have passed over into spirit also join us from time to time simply to lend support.

As I described previously, we are all made up of light energy, as is everything around us. It is the most basic building block of life, but like the air we breathe we usually can't see it. Energy flows through everything and creates everything. Even our thoughts and emotions are energy. It's just a difference in the resonance that gives us the illusion of substance. Part of the true magic of Energy Healing is that it can be transferred to anyone, anywhere in the world, with very positive results.

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