Lenormand Cards Reading in Vile Parle

Ms. Binita Rege

Binita Rege is reader and coach of different card systems. She is a switch words and Pendulum practitioner, Akashic Records reader, and also a qualified Life skill trainer. Having more than 15 years of experience in this divination field...


Lenormand Cards Reading / Fortune Telling in Vile Parle

The Lenormand Fortune-Telling

Lenormand is another divination tool with a similar history and purpose as that of the Tarot. It is a 200 years old system from Europe. It originated from Germany and endorsed by French cartomancer.

The lenormand card deck consist of 36 cards. They are smaller than of the standard tarot deck. They are made of simple and straightforward imagery, card themselves deal with more tangible issues rather than psychological ones.

The meanings within the Lenormand cards reveal themselves as if they were a story. Regardless of whether we choose to interpret just two cards (for they are normally read in pairs and card combinations) or spread out a full Grand Tableau utilizing the entire deck, we can use Lenormand as a tool for self-development, spiritual exploration but also, something this deck is particularly good at, dealing with simple, everyday concerns. That is where the true power of Lenormand lies - in it's frank and even blunt way of tackling our real life issues. Its accuracy and candid way of "speaking" to us makes it an attractive companion - both alongside tarot, and on it’s own.

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