Dr. Karuna Kapil

Dr Karuna Kapil - therapist of Energy Healing, Family Constellation - Auckland

Dr. Karuna Kapil

A Dentist turned Healer / Change Facilitator.

As a child, Karuna was always able to read where the people were functioning from. In lack of supportive environment for non tangible qualities she had, she decided to keep them under cover till the right moment. That did give her some feeling of fitting in, though always made her feel disconnected from her surroundings as well.

In year 2008 she underwent emotional trauma, just like any other empath. Which was building up over years, as she had lost touch with her knowing side and had been in denial of it. Finally, in 2008, had to turn to psychotherapy and medication.

Till then she had been trained into dental practise, was married and a mother of a daughter. She faced great difficulty managing the medication along with her dental practise as she had trouble steading her shaky hands under the influence of the drugs she was put on. She came to realise that that thing is within her that will take her out of this rut and not the medications and the therapy. Somewhere the knowing she had shoved under a cloak was calling on to her. Eventually she was able to convince her doctors to get her off the medications and she began her search for ways to take control of her life. She soon realised that she had chosen to move from being a submissive pleaser to a confident seeker.

Following that began her journey into various modalities which equipped her with tools to work with psyche and learn about the Being that we humans are. All of that she applied to herself, her family and friends and started getting results from her ways and means as well as the techniques she was learning under different mentors. Since then there has been no turning back. Being recognised for the changes not just in behaviour and relations also in her body image, she is all set to share her learning's with whoever chooses to allow her to help them.

Dr. Karuna Kapil is a dentist turned change facilitator. She is trained in Crystals, Tarot, Angel Healing, Reiki, Numerology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Breakthrough Coaching, Access Bars®, Access Body Processes, Abuse Hold Release, Entity Clearing for people and places, Quantum Core Two Point Method (Advanced), Tuning Fork Healing, Gong Therapy, Sounds of Shiva, Family Constellation, Merlin Trinity Healing System and some more! She is on the Red Road, a Shamanic Practitioner.

She believes in constant growth and keeps herself updated through newer concepts, thus currently getting trained as a Bernian Transactional Analyst.

She loves to talk to people and bring them out of their blocks by working through their thoughts. She is fascinated by how people think and is constantly looking for how to get them into greater possibilities and writes under the name of 'Thought Reformer' with a commitment toward their wellbeing and evolution.

She does sessions of

- Family Constellation (in person),

- Sound Healing (in person),

- Access Bars® (in person),

- Access Body Processes (in person),

- Merlin Trinity Healing (in person as well as distance sessions & workshop facilitation),

- Quantum Core Two Point Method (in person as well as distance healing sessions),

- Shamanic Counselling and Healing (in person as well as distance sessions),

Life Coaching is at her heart for that's where she gets to put at use her expertise with the ways thoughts keep us running around the bush.

She realises that every modality she learnt contributed to her, to all that she experienced, and learnt from all those experiences and all of that turned her into what she is today. She, thus, desires to give part of all, wherever possible, to all who come to her for changing what is limiting them.

To connect call or msg on+91 98195 45146

Leave a msg at : http://www.facebook.com/drkapilkaruna/

Email : thoughtreformer@gmail.com

Transactional Analysis Therapy - TA Counseling

Dr Karuna Kapil - Transactional Analysis Therapy Course, TA Counseling - Auckland Dr Karuna Kapil - Transactional Analysis Therapy, TA Counseling - Auckland

Is it that ...

Body is in pain, Mind is defocused, confused, stressed.

And both are just not on the same page resulting in road blocks and set-backs.

As if there is no healing respite for self.

Do you find yourself wondering on above lines and wish and hope that there would be something for you ...

Well! Here is your chance.

Join the Self Study Group aimed at Self Awareness & Relations based on Transactional Analysis concepts primarily and enriched with intakes from various other methodologies like self hypnosis, systemic work, inner child, quantum, neurolinguistic programming, energy work, personal practise & experience, etc. This study group walks you along a framework of concepts roughly over 6 months, meeting once every week for 2-3hrs online.

Requirement for this to be transformational for you:

Putting every session into practise in every waking hour of your life. Getting back to group with what was and moving on from there.

Commitment to self and whatever it takes to stay with self work.


Estimated to be 12-16 spread over 3-5 months.

rest depends upon the group reality.


Facebook Room

More details upon registration

The Group:

Can be of

you and your friends,

you and your family members,

you with unknown people.

Make a choice or maybe just believe and take the leap of faith, choice is yours.


1000/- per person per session.


Three months payment to be paid before the beginning of the Study group.

Rest (minus the last three months) to be paid before subsequent sessions.

Payment will be online transfer only, as of now.

To connect call or msg on+91 98195 45146

Leave a msg at : http://www.facebook.com/drkapilkaruna/

Email : thoughtreformer@gmail.com

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