Mukkta Jain is a Life coach, Counsellor, Certified Hypnotherapist, Access Bars Practioner, Certified with Dr Brain Weiss in Past Life Regression, trained in Metaphor Therapy and Angel Card Reader. She is Proactive and dynamic spiritual healer.
Wellness and well-being principles revolve around maintaining the balance between the mind, body and soul. Healy is the only device on the planet earth for balancing between Body, Mind and Soul.
People who have high blood pressure complain of headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, and fatigue. Headache is a common complaint and is not remedied after taking high blood pressure medication. Head blood flow is increased, putting a strain on blood vessels in the brain. Headache caused by hypertension does not go away with over the counter pain medications. The pain pulsates behind the eyes and manifests during the morning hours. Increased blood circulation causes the heart to pump out more amount of blood than usual, causing heart palpitations, blurred vision, white spots or blindness.
Of the people who have high blood pressure, approximately 1% have what is known as malignant hypertension. This is considered a medical emergency and needs immediate care to prevent heart attack or stroke. Hypertension may go untreated for years because the person may not even know they have high blood pressure. This can result in damage to the heart, eyes or kidneys, as well as lead to angina pain. To avoid any complications of high blood pressure is to prevent or control it with the help of your doctor and a health diet consisting of fresh vegetables, fruits, wholegrain and low-fat dairy products.
If you are a person who is exposed to much stress, this must also be controlled. Some hypertension is caused by stress, and this is never good for anyone. Too much of it will have an adverse effect on your health whether or not you have high blood pressure. It just makes sense to cut anything or anyone out of your life who causes undo stress to your health, accept for your children. That is stress you just have to live with and manage some how.
If you are overweight it would be to your good benefit to lose the extra pounds and maintain a health body weight. It is also a good idea to control unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. This will help to lower and maintain proper blood pressure, to prevent its life-threatening complications that could have far reaching consequences.