Sanchaitaa is a Master Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Reiki Master and Law of Attraction Coach. She has been in the field of meditation for last 10 years,
The thorough divination known as mokshapat reading is used to gain self-awareness and advice from the Vedas, Puranas, and Smritis. A dice game that originated in ancient India, it was created by sages to impart spiritual knowledge to their followers. The board represents the spiritual and moral information that is etched on it in a symbolic manner. The lessons have to do with the Theory of Karma and the soul's journey. The topic explains the reasons behind human suffering, how to conquer it, or at least lessen its severity.
Gyanadev, an Indian poet from the 13th century, is credited with creating the game known as "Mokshapat," which the British have dubbed "snakes and ladders." Bad deeds cause us to fall downward on the backs of the snakes on the Mokshapat board, while positive deeds allow the soul to ascend the ladder of higher enlightenments. Acquiring this knowledge will help you grow spiritually, discover how to live a spiritual life, lessen the burden of karma, develop yourself, and comprehend the core of the truth. Readings from Mokshapat provide a thorough analysis of our past and present, and we can apply the insights to create a better future.