Dr. Hhetal is a Physiotherapist by profession. Her quest to give more to the people around her, to make them pain-free physically, emotionally, and mentally, led her to this journey of learning various healing modalities.
Manual Therapy is the use of "hands-on" techniques to maximize the body's own self-healing potential. Manual Therapy is used to diagnose and treat injured or unhealthy tissue.
How Manual Therapy is Different from Physical Therapy?
Manual therapy is a form of physical therapy but differs from conventional physical therapies by identifying the source of dysfunction. Below are a few manual therapy techniques:
This list is not comprehensive. There are many more.
Manual therapy techniques balance and realign the soft tissues and joints so the body can function more efficiently. Manual therapy is the gentle use of hands on techniques to release soft tissue and joint dysfunction. As restrictions are found, the techniques are used to gently release them.
These techniques have affects on the whole body: musculoskeletal, circulatory, lymphatic and immune systems with exceptional functional outcomes.